Zac Bauer has recorded hundreds of videos of apologetics about why and how believers ought to keep Torah.
My friends Steve and Angela Moutria (and their kids!) run this website, which is full of teaching videos. They have teachings for the whole family including kids, teens, women and the men folk.
“ is dedicated to seeking, teaching, and living out the whole truth of the Word. Our purpose is to constantly seek and bring the Word to families in all nations. We desire to help families unlearn false teachings and traditions of men, and equip them to grow in the Word. In this, we hope to convey how to live and practice the Word as originally intended.”
A team of folks make teaching videos in several languages at 119 Ministries. They have lengthy teachings on explaining why Christians should keep Torah.
“Our purpose is to seek and bring the truth to all nations, unlearn false doctrines and traditions of men, and to equip the body to live and practice the Word as God originally intended.
We find that continuously examining the Scriptures (in the same Hebraic first century context and perspective in which they were written and understood) reveals to His people much more understanding, as opposed to the more common Greek mindset that is a couple thousand years removed.”
Biblical Feast Bible Study
Free eBook by Anne Elliott
I highly recommend this Bible study written by Anne Elliott.
“The Law of Moses, or the books of Torah, tell us about some special days in God’s calendar, days when He wants to meet with us. You can find all of the feasts mentioned in Leviticus 23, but they are also mentioned in hundreds of other places, in both the Old and New Testaments!
In this book, I want to help you study the Bible for yourself, so that you will know exactly what God tells us about these special times. I hope you will discover, as our family did, that each of these special days points us to Yeshua, our Messiah.
We will start each chapter with a Scripture study that you can do alone, with your family, or with a study group. After each Scripture study, we’ll provide you with more resources to help you get ideas and learn about various traditions.”
Torah Class
From their website…
“Torah Class is an exciting, cutting edge, FREE online Bible study website where you can rediscover the Bible in all its richness and truth. It is a balanced teaching that highlights both God’s grace and our obedience to His commandments. We teach from a Hebraic, original-language and cultural perspective, offering lessons on the Torah (Genesis through Deuteronomy) as well as many other books of the Bible from both the Old and New Testaments. We allow the Scriptures to speak for themselves and diligently avoid predetermined doctrinal biases.”
From my friend, Jesse Low,
“My purpose is to encourage all seekers of the eternal Creator, the God of Abraham, to pursue His living word by pushing past the religious dogma, and returning to the unchanging ways of His covenant people through the access provided by the lamb of heaven, Yeshua the messiah. As a student of biblical Hebrew, I desire to share the intrinsic depth and meaning of the language and context of the bible to provide a better understanding of the cohesive story of a covenantal walk with YHVH. I am the son of a Jewish father, raised in an Evangelical foreign mission field, served in churches across the country, and currently help lead a Torah-observant messianic fellowship.”