Are you interested in contributing to Torah Sisters Magazine and Torah Sisters properties? I invite you to submit your work for consideration! Read all the details below to know how to proceed. (The details are important!)
The mission of Torah Sisters Magazine is to encourage the women in the Body of Messiah with a magazine full of articles, resources, and ads that are just for them. We don’t aim to teach any doctrine but to come alongside women who already have determined that they will follow Torah and Yeshua with helps for their faith walk. Articles will focus on practical aspects of Torah, Sabbath, Feasts, family, Biblically clean recipes, home, business, and, of course, encouragement.

- Practical help and ideas about Sabbath
- Practical help and ideas about the Feasts
- Practical help and ideas about eating clean
- Things about tzit tzit
- Testimonies of being able to keep Sabbath
- Practical help and ideas about things specific to our Torah faith walk
- Homeschooling
- Home Business
- Organizing
- Cleaning Tips
- Encouragement or Devotionals
- Parenting
- Marriage
- Crafts, especially with pictures
- Home Décor, especially with pictures
- Homesteading/Gardening
- Preparedness
- I’m open to suggestions!
- Remember, the things that seem mundane to you are the very things the Sisters want to hear about! I mean it!
- Can be step by steps, lists, bullet points, “5 Things That…,” and so on.
• Deep Teachings
• Trying to influence controversial doctrines
• Health advice
• Politics
• Anything very controversial
• NOTE: I do love all of these topics, and I hope you write stuff like that for your own blog so I can enjoy it! The Body needs these topics, too, but I just want to keep the magazine’s focus elsewhere for now. Naturally, I may change my mind in the future, so feel free to check back here.
To submit an article for consideration for publishing in Torah Sisters Magazine, email me your article following these instructions:
- Email Amy@TorahSisters.com.
- Send one article per email. It’s okay to send me several emails!
- Include the title and article in the body of your email. Do not attach it as a file or pdf, or link to a document. Just paste it right into the body of the email.
- Put “Article Submission” in the subject line
- Also, in the body of your email, answer the following questions:
- Do you agree to allow the Torah Sisters team to edit your article as needed?
- Is this article already on your website? If yes, please include the link.
- If it’s already on your blog, does Torah Sisters have your permission to use any images that are with it? (Only say “yes” if they are YOUR images.)
- May the Torah Sisters team use your article for other purposes, including, but not limited to: publishing on the blog, podcast, youtube, and social media? (If this article is already on YOUR blog, say “no.”)
- Did you read all of the details and agree to the terms on the Write for Torah Sisters page?
- In the body of the mail, include the correct spelling of your name as you want it to appear in the magazine.
- Include a bio about yourself. No more than 600 characters and it may include up to two hyperlinks.
- I LOVE pictures! If you have images that go with your article and are willing to include them, please do so! Send the highest resolution images you have, preferably the ones directly from your camera, instead of downloaded from social media or your website. You can share a dropbox link or google drive link in your email with the photos if it’s easier.
- If I don’t know you well, it’s helpful if you include links to your social media profiles and website so I can get to know you better.
If you have a blog and are willing to let me use blog posts from it, email me and tell me about it! I’ll try to remember to keep an eye on it for things of interest. However, if you write something for your blog that you think I’ll love, please do send it as a submission following the instructions on this page so I don’t miss it. Thank you!
I cannot pay you. So, thank you for your contribution!
I’m looking for submissions from women who are mature in their keeping of Torah and are followers of Yeshua as their Savior and Messiah. I may also consider articles from men.
You will have a bio after your article (up to 600 characters), where you can link to a couple of web properties and promote yourself or just share about yourself. I pray that those of you with businesses, blogs, and ministries will be very blessed by the Sisters getting to know you through your articles and bios.
The magazine production timeline usually runs 4-6 months ahead of each issue. So, if you send me an article about Shavuot just one month before Shavuot, I will save it for NEXT year’s issue because it’s too late for production.
When you submit an article or any images for consideration, it becomes my right to publish it. You cannot change your mind later and ask for it to be removed from the magazine or other properties. I offer back issues of magazines for years and years.
If your article and any images are already published on your own blog, then I do NOT want to publish them on our blog because the duplicate content will hurt us both. Please answer honestly if it’s already on your blog.
The Torah Sisters team may do some editing of your article. This mostly includes light editing for grammar, punctuation, spelling, and maybe some paragraph breaks or general rewording or arranging for ease of reading. We won’t do heavy editing that changes the meaning or intent of what you wrote. Edits will not be approved by you. You may get emails from Christy Jordan, the editor, with notes or questions. Please respond to her emails quickly as we are always on a production timeline with deadlines.
The name you use for the Creator will not be changed or edited. It will remain how you write it. Using “Jesus” instead of some version of His Hebrew name will lessen the chances of publication. I’m not very picky about the Father’s name. Use your own discernment. If you are unsure, I recommend using “Yeshua” and “YHWH.”
I will not notify you if I choose not to publish your article. Please watch the video on this page for more information about that.
Articles submitted will go into a “vault” for consideration for future issues. They may remain in the vault for years. But I will have them indexed and keep them for consideration!
About Images
All images should be sent in the highest resolution possible. Low-resolution images will likely not be used or maybe printed very small. Don’t send images that you downloaded from the internet. Rather, send images right from your phone or camera. Do not send stock photo images; only your images may be submitted. Include your full name, so I can credit you as the photographer.
About Recipes
Send me your recipes! They will also be edited slightly, just like articles. I will include your name as the contributor and one website link. (I do not include a bio for recipes.) Thank you!
Free Advertising
Did you know you can get free advertising in Torah Sisters Magazine by submitting an article?
How you will get exposure and traffic if I use an article you write:
- I’ll publish your bio with up to TWO links!
- Your name and website will be listed in the table of contents.
- All the links will be clickable in the pdf version!
- If you let me use your original article on my blog, your bio and links will be on my website, too!
- The exposure from the blog and magazine can last for years and years!
The more articles you submit, the more like it is I’ll select them and publish them!
I don’t pay for articles I publish, but you will benefit from the exposure. Plus, when women see you as an expert because you wrote an article, you are establishing some credibility, which increases the likelihood they will purchase from you.
Finally, I want to say a big thank you to all of you who contribute articles! This publication is so meaningful for women in our community and they are so grateful to have this magazine. It’s all because of YOU! Thank you for doing this important Kingdom work.