How to Rest on Shabbat for Moms with Little Kids

How to Rest on Shabbat for Moms with Little Kids

I often get questions from moms of little ones asking how to make Sabbath more restful and set apart for them. The tasks of changing diapers and feeding littles seem the same on Shabbat as the other days of the week. I went to my friend, Rachel Henderson, and asked...

Torah Fellowship Tips

If you are unsure what a Torah fellowship is like or you want to fit in better, I’ve made a video for you! You can watch it below. And below the video, I’ve included the basic outline of my notes. I pray this helpful to you! If you are afraid of gathering...
The Sabbath Kitchen Saver Kit

The Sabbath Kitchen Saver Kit

I’ll admit it. I hate that my kitchen gets messy on Shabbat. Now, I’ll keep Sabbath no matter what because I know it honors my King, but I’ll admit, I don’t feel much shalom while my kitchen is a disaster for 24 hours and a big pile of dirty...