Posture of Gratitude

Posture of Gratitude

This article is in the July/August 2024 Issue 19 of Torah Sisters Magazine. By Rachel Henderson The longer I study classical thought on all the virtues, the more convinced I become that gratitude is the foundation of all other virtues. Grateful people cannot be...
Torah Pioneers

Torah Pioneers

You can find this article in the May/June Issue 12 of Torah Sisters Magazine.   This is a guest article by Rachel Henderson   The Founders of our country had the enormous job of explaining why they were leaving Great Britain and also articulating the new...
A Relationship Framework

A Relationship Framework

By Rachel Henderson This article is in the March/April issue 11 of Torah Sisters Magazine. Recently my husband, Alex, gave a message offering a framework for ideas. Basically, he gave 10 Torah principles that he/we have worked out with much study and solidified as...
Finding Fellowship

Finding Fellowship

Guest Post By Jenn Dubey You can also read this article in the July/August Issue #7 of Torah Sisters Magazine. Click here to get your magazine. It’s in print! One challenging aspect of living out this Torah lifestyle is finding a community of like-minded...
A Letter from Jaimie Bauer About Cancer

A Letter from Jaimie Bauer About Cancer

The following is a letter from my friend and contributor, Jaimie Bauer. Jaimie wrote this at a time when she is finding out her cancer is returning and she has an infection where they removed cancer a few months ago and did major surgery. She is now facing more...
Someone hurt you? Punch Satan in the gut.

Someone hurt you? Punch Satan in the gut.

By Amy Guenther If you’re reading this, then you’ve been hurt by someone. How do I know? Because all of us have been hurt by someone at some time. This is for those of you going through it right now. The degree to how we’ve been hurt may vary, but...