Advertising & Selling Opportunities
3 Options
Want to get your business noticed at the retreat, even if you cannot attend? Check out the options below.
The retreat is May 12-14, 2025 in Grass Lake, Michigan. Click here to learn all about the retreat.
Donate gifts to the swag bags given to each attendee if you want some free advertising. Below is some helpful information.
I’m not looking for just advertisements like flyers or business cards. Rather, give a free gift.
Your free gift cannot be just a coupon or discount code. Put those offers in your advertisement.
If you’re considering giving a gift for the swag bag, email me at Amy@TorahSisters.com. I’ll then know to keep in touch with you about how many people have registered. I’m expecting around 125-200 women..
Also, when you email me, tell me what you expect to give so I can make sure it’s a good fit.
Attach your advertisement or business card to your gift. I won’t do any assembly. Be sure your items are packaged and ready for me to drop into the swag bags.
You can use tape, string or cellophane bags from Amazon to attach your advertisement to your item. Maybe even include a little note.
You do not have to be at the retreat to contribute to the swag bag. You can ship your items to me.
If you’re attending, you may bring your gifts with you, but arrive early, by 10:30 am, so there’s time to add your items to the bags before ladies arrive at noon.
Plan to get your items to me by May 5 if you’re not attending the retreat. Send your gifts to:
Torah Sisters
PO BOX 282
Perry, MI 48872
Here are some great swag ideas.
ChapStick, piece of chocolate, can of tea or iced coffee, pens or post-its (maybe even with your name on them), product samples, Bible verse cards, greeting cards, stickers, soap, lotion, or promotional items from a place like Vistaprint.
Your gift doesn’t have to be directly related to what you sell. It’s a way of building relationships with these women. Gift them whatever you want. Just be sure to include an advertisement with a call to action.
Be creative. Go to Google and Pinterest for ideas on how to market your business with swag bag gifts!
Thank you for donating swag bag gifts! I’ll be praying that the ladies will buy your product or service when they see your generosity!
The Sisters love the door prizes that are generously donated by Torah owned businesses. You don’t have to attend to donate a door prize.
Donate a door prize valued at least $35.
I will give these out at the beginning of each tabernacle service. I will draw a name out of a hat. The winner must be present in the room to win. Before I draw the name, I will hold up your gift and show it to the audience.
Include a 3×5 index card with the information I should read to the ladies about your item. You might write something like this: “This is from Amy at Torah Sisters. It is a set of 5 magazines valued at $45. Each magazine has several pages of articles, recipes and more to help you in your faith walk. You can get your own magazine at her table or at her website, TorahSisters.com. Check out her T-shirts, too.” Write it exactly how I will read it, in the third person. Typing it up is best so it’s very legible.
I’ll have a table on display during the entire retreat showcasing all donated prizes. Many women who like to “window shop” the prize table will view and touch your item. Again, make sure your 3×5 card is legible so they can read it. I’ll set your card on the table next to your item.
The best door prize is a best selling product.
But you can also gift other items, like a gift basket of chocolates or something else altogether, which is a great option if you sell a service. You could also donate a gift of your service for a month or whatever. Such as a free coaching session.
If you are attending, please put your prize and card on the prize table in the tabernacle shortly after you get unpacked.
If you are not attending, you should ship your item to me so that I have it by May 5.
Send it to:
Torah Sisters
PO BOX 282
Perry, MI 48872
Thank you for donating a door prize! I’ll be praying that the ladies will buy your product or service when they see your generosity!
Vendor tables are only for those selling Torah, Yeshua, Bible or faith-related items.
Email me at Amy@TorahSisters.com. In your email, please include a link to your website and descriptions of what you would sell and I’ll tell you if it’s a good fit.
The cost of a vendor table is $50.
Each vendor must donate a door prize worth at least $20.
Important things to know
- Vendors may arrive as early as 10:30 am.
- Check in a the tabernacle lobby. Tell them you are a vendor. Be patient with the check in volunteers because they will be getting set up, too.
- Then go to your room and drop off your personal items.
- You may leave your vehicle parked at the tabernacle for a very short while to unload. Please move it immediately after you unload. You can unpack after you park.
- Check in will start at noon, so it’d be great to be ready by then, because the women will have time to shop. If you’re not ready to sell until later, that’s okay. Dinner is at 5:30, then service at 7 pm.
- I will not have “open shopping hours.” I’m leaving it up to you when you want to be at your table to sell. You do not need to be at your table all the time. Have fun!
- No selling during service times. I will ask you to be closed by 5 minutes prior to service start times, which means you should start wrapping up conversations at 10 minutes prior.
Some vendors will be in the tabernacle, but some will be in an annex room that is in the dining hall building. That room is next to the lobby where ladies enter the dining hall.
I will select which vendors will be in the tabernacle and which will be in the dining hall annex.
What’s Included
- One table – it might 6 or 8 foot, I cannot say for sure until we arrive.
- 2 Chairs
What MIGHT Be Included
I cannot guarantee electricity will be available right at your table. Bring an extension cord in case it’s available nearby.
Wifi/internet is a maybe, but likely.
The Verizon signal was good last year. I heard no complaints about cell phone signals.
Things to Bring
- Change for cash payments.
- Tablecloth
- Cover for your table when you’re closed if you want. (Your choice)
- Extension cords in case there is electricity available.
- Credit card readers if you have them.
- Sign with your Venmo QR code if you have it.
- A way to keep your money safe and secure.
- Your door prize
- Price tag signs
- Consider a sign that says when you expect you’ll be back at your table.
- Swag bag donations if you want. (optional)
- A hotspot if it’s important to you.
- Office supplies like tape, pens, pad of paper, scissors, etc.
Fine Print Stuff You Should Read
Bring your own change for cash payments. Do not ask camp staff or myself for change or for cash. You may leave camp grounds to find a bank nearby if you want.
There will be a volunteer who is a vendor liaison. The liaison is who you should go to if you need help or have questions. Please do not ask the camp staff to borrow items. Ask my vendor liaison. She likely has access to what you might need.
There will be nowhere to store items except under your table or in your car. I want the room kept clean and tidy without boxes and stuff around on the floor. Ladies will be dancing, after all! 🙂
I reserve the right to determine if your product is not a good fit for the Retreat, and I’ll refund you your $50 if I decide that. I also reserve the right to ask you to remove any item(s) from your table if it’s not a good fit including but not limited to unsuitable material due to vulgarity, theology, legality, and so on, or if it’s making others uncomfortable in some way. I’m not terribly picky, but I know the audience well and I want you to be successful! Some things I would decline would be anything mystical, healing crystals, books promoting polygamy, etc. I might also decline certain teaching materials or books.
Ask me beforehand about teaching materials and books. I may not allow them.
I am not responsible for any theft. I do not recommend leaving money or anything very valuable at your table or in your shared or unlocked room. The safest place to keep valuable items and money may be in your locked vehicle or on your person. There haven’t been any issues with theft in the past, but being careful is always wise.
Do not promote your product or service outside of the marketplace unless asked. In other words, when it’s time to just sit and eat or fellowship, don’t be pushing your products in conversation. Just enjoy the sweet fellowship during those times. If a woman directly asks you about your business, you may go ahead and answer, though.
Your next step is to Email me at Amy@TorahSisters.com! Thank you!