This article is in Issue 18 of Torah Sisters Magazine.

By Amy Kay Guenther

Here is a list of ways you can celebrate Shavuot. Make the celebration last a whole weekend, so there’s lots of time to enjoy and worship on this special Feast.

Spiritual and Worship

Lots of singing
Open worship jam. Tell everyone to bring their instruments. Keep it casual and fun to let everyone participate.
Learn Hebrew dances.
Bring together believers from your region. Rent a campground, and have a teacher(s) to help you study the Word over the weekend.
Before or after the feast, take an offering for the poor. Serve your local community in some way. Collect food for the local food bank before or after the Feast.
Read the Ten Commandments or other passages.
Pray for the world to know Yeshua.
Have a mikvah/baptism.


Just Fun

Bake lots of challah and bread!
Shoot fireworks or light sparklers.
Do crafts.
Make skits about Sinai and Acts 2.
Go camping.
Have campfires.
Have a picnic.
Finish your omer counting with a celebration.
Enjoy easy-going camp-style games, like corn hole.
Let the children have a squirt gunfight play in the sprinkler.
Let the children have a parade of the nations to remind them that Yeshua is for all people and that this is a pilgrimage feast to Jerusalem.
Listen to familiar worship songs in other languages.
Do things with mountain themes to remind you of Mt. Sinai. (mountain snacks, desserts, decorations, etc.)
Do things with fire themes to remind you of tongues of fire in Acts 2.