This article is in Issue 18 of Torah Sisters Magazine.


I asked the Torah Sisters on Facebook, “What is one thing your family does for Shavuot?,” and these are some of their answers.

We make a “Holy Spirit Cheesecake” with a fruit topping made from 9 different fruits for the fruits of the spirit. Sweet, milk of the Word (Torah) = cheesecake / Holy Spirit descended = nine fruits topping -Megan W.

We have a potluck-style cookout, service with music and dancing, and end with the best fireworks with our fellowship. -Sunshine ‘N Shalom

We have hosted a Shavuot Picnic in the Park with a Bible Verse Scavenger Hunt with clues! Hiding His Word in Our Hearts! -Staci P.

We make dairy foods/desserts. A fun, easy craft we’ve done for years now is tracing our kids’ hands, writing the ten commandments on the ten fingers, and drawing fire flames over each finger – giving of the Torah and giving of the Spirit. It is a nice visual connection, especially for younger children. -Irina L.

We have sparklers to celebrate that we can worship God in spirit and in truth and to remember the pouring out of the set-apart spirit in Acts 2. -Kerri W.

We do an outdoor coffee/tea/cider/smores bar and invite anyone to join us around the fire every night of the week. -Aricka W.

For easy decorating, one year, I made sets of layered yellow, orange, and red tissue paper that I fashioned into “flames” and hung from the ceiling where we were gathering. -Joanna F.

We always have a chocolate fondue fountain with as many different things to dip into it as we can come up with to symbolize the outpouring of the Spirit and that it was/is for people of every tribe and tongue. It’s silly but meaningful, and we look forward to it! -Tina C.

We usually have a meal. I am hoping to invite several different fellowships this year for a large meal together. -Annie G.

We have a bonfire and worship songs! We long for a time again when Heaven kisses Earth! We danced and ate good food and blew the shofar! -Joy M.