Many of you have asked me how to tie and make Tzit Tzit. Well, I’m no expert, and I usually get mine from others. When I make them, they are very simple. I simply tie them like the friendship bracelets we used to make in the late eighties. LOL So, I’ve...
If you are unsure what a Torah fellowship is like or you want to fit in better, I’ve made a video for you! You can watch it below. And below the video, I’ve included the basic outline of my notes. I pray this helpful to you! If you are afraid of gathering...
The following is a letter from my friend and contributor, Jaimie Bauer. Jaimie wrote this at a time when she is finding out her cancer is returning and she has an infection where they removed cancer a few months ago and did major surgery. She is now facing more...
By Amy Guenther If you’re reading this, then you’ve been hurt by someone. How do I know? Because all of us have been hurt by someone at some time. This is for those of you going through it right now. The degree to how we’ve been hurt may vary, but...
I want to start off by being sure you see this link to download my Passover stuff: Click here to get the Passover checklists and Haggadah I use for my Seder I will describe below. I’ve had several women ask me how to do Passover, so I’ve decided to...