Sabbath Makes the Other Six Days Better

Sabbath Makes the Other Six Days Better

This article is in Issue 19 of Torah Sisters Magazine. Click here to get it.   I asked the Torah Sisters on Facebook, “What is one way that keeping the Sabbath has made the other six days of the week better?” These are their answers. I have become...
What is one thing your family does for Shavuot?

What is one thing your family does for Shavuot?

This article is in Issue 18 of Torah Sisters Magazine.   I asked the Torah Sisters on Facebook, “What is one thing your family does for Shavuot?,” and these are some of their answers. We make a “Holy Spirit Cheesecake” with a fruit topping...
How do you retell the Exodus story at Passover?

How do you retell the Exodus story at Passover?

This article and some additional pictures are on the March/April 2024 Issue 17 of Torah Sisters Magazine. Get it mailed to your home! I asked the Torah Sisters on Facebook, “How do you retell the Exodus story at Passover?” These are some of their answers. The Haggadah...
What is a Friday night Sabbath tradition that you have?

What is a Friday night Sabbath tradition that you have?

  This article is in the November/December 2023 Issue 15 of Torah Sisters Magazine. I asked the Torah Sisters on Facebook, “What is a Friday night Sabbath tradition that you have?” Below are their answers. Enjoy!   We light a Shabbat candle, say...
Shalom on Busy Prep Days

Shalom on Busy Prep Days

This article is in the July/August Issue 13 of Torah Sisters Magazine.   How do you keep yourself and your home calm and shalomy during the busyness of Friday Preparations? I keep my home calm and peaceful by preparing slowly and a couple of days in advance. We...
Ask the Sisters – “Spring Feast Decorating”

Ask the Sisters – “Spring Feast Decorating”

This article is in the March/April Issue 11 of Torah Sisters Magazine. Click here to subscribe. I asked the Torah Sisters on Facebook, “What is one way you decorate for the Spring Feasts that you think others might not have thought of? We do spring flowers, roasted...