Passover With My Grandchildren

Passover With My Grandchildren

This article is in Issue 17 of Torah Sisters Magazine. Click here to get the entire issue.   By Julia Johnson For the past several years, I have hosted the Passover Seder at my home with my daughter and family as my guests. As many of you may have experienced,...
How do you retell the Exodus story at Passover?

How do you retell the Exodus story at Passover?

This article and some additional pictures are on the March/April 2024 Issue 17 of Torah Sisters Magazine. Get it mailed to your home! I asked the Torah Sisters on Facebook, “How do you retell the Exodus story at Passover?” These are some of their answers. The Haggadah...
Ten Things to Teach Our Children

Ten Things to Teach Our Children

This article is in the November/December 2023 Issue 15 of Torah Sisters Magazine. By Rachel Henderson If you know me, you know I am constantly trying to condense important ideas into their smallest, best, most teachable versions. My impulse to do this probably stems...
What is a Friday night Sabbath tradition that you have?

What is a Friday night Sabbath tradition that you have?

  This article is in the November/December 2023 Issue 15 of Torah Sisters Magazine. I asked the Torah Sisters on Facebook, “What is a Friday night Sabbath tradition that you have?” Below are their answers. Enjoy!   We light a Shabbat candle, say...
Sukkot Tips to Stay Shalomy and Focused

Sukkot Tips to Stay Shalomy and Focused

This article is in Issue 14 from September/October 2023. By Amy Kay Guenther The Fall Feasts are a joyous and worshipful season, but sometimes our shalom and focus can be lacking. I’m so guilty of this! With that in mind, I made this list of tips I will be using this...
Having a Purposeful Fall Feasts Season

Having a Purposeful Fall Feasts Season

This article is in the September/October 2023 Issue 14 of Torah Sisters Magazine. By Tina Fallstead Busy, busy, busy. Feast seasons are busy, but this is especially true of the Fall Feasts. The Fall Feast season is a time filled with much activity. So much so that if...
A Season of Giving

A Season of Giving

This article is in the September/October Issue 14 of Torah Sisters Magazine. By Victoria Reid The autumn feast season is filled with the spirit of giving — giving thanks to God, giving glory to His Name, and giving gratitude for the blessings surrounding you. The...
The Gift of Gathering

The Gift of Gathering

This article is in the September/October Issue 14 of Torah Sisters Magazine. By Victoria Reid Wanting to do something special with other Believers for the autumn feasts but not sure what? Here are some unique gathering ideas when considering hosting! Trumpets 1)...
Cultivating Community Around Your Garden

Cultivating Community Around Your Garden

This article is in the July/August Issue 13 of Torah Sisters Magazine. By Victoria Evanko Gardens come in many shapes and sizes. Some of us may have our dream homestead on acres and acres of land, with gardens big enough to provide a year’s worth of food for our...