Shalom on Busy Prep Days

Shalom on Busy Prep Days

This article is in the July/August Issue 13 of Torah Sisters Magazine.   How do you keep yourself and your home calm and shalomy during the busyness of Friday Preparations? I keep my home calm and peaceful by preparing slowly and a couple of days in advance. We...
Milk and Honey Loaves for Shavuot

Milk and Honey Loaves for Shavuot

  This recipe is in the May/June Issue 12 of Torah Sisters Magazine.   Guest post By Hannah Vogel I love making these milk and honey loaves on the Feast of Weeks as a reminder of the wave offering the Lord instructed the Israelites to perform on this feast...
Ideas for a Sweet and Sanctified Shavuot

Ideas for a Sweet and Sanctified Shavuot

This article is in the May/June Issue 12 of Torah Sisters Magazine. Guest post By Victoria Reid There is a sweetness in the season surrounding Shavuot, the Feast of Pentecost, as the countdown of the Omer creeps closer and anticipation for an encounter with God grows...
Torah Pioneers

Torah Pioneers

You can find this article in the May/June Issue 12 of Torah Sisters Magazine.   This is a guest article by Rachel Henderson   The Founders of our country had the enormous job of explaining why they were leaving Great Britain and also articulating the new...
Because He Lives

Because He Lives

This is a guest post by Victoria Reid from You can find this article in the March/April Issue 2023 11 Issue 10 of Torah Sisters Magazine. “It really bothers me — you can do all the feast days in the Old Testament, but if you’re not...
A Relationship Framework

A Relationship Framework

By Rachel Henderson This article is in the March/April issue 11 of Torah Sisters Magazine. Recently my husband, Alex, gave a message offering a framework for ideas. Basically, he gave 10 Torah principles that he/we have worked out with much study and solidified as...
Fallstead Family Seder

Fallstead Family Seder

This is a guest post by Tina Fallstead. You can find this article in the March/April Issue 2023 Issue 11 of Torah Sisters Magazine. Have you refrained from hosting a Passover Seder because it looks too complicated? Then, I would like to encourage you to try it by...
Giveaway for Four Ladies to Win 4 Issues of the Magazine

Giveaway for Four Ladies to Win 4 Issues of the Magazine

Four winners! I’m giving away back issues of Torah Sisters Magazine to four winners! Each winner will get 4 PRINTED magazines! The winners will get one of each of the following back issues: January/February 2023 Issue 10 November/December 2023 Issue 9...
Ask the Sisters – “Spring Feast Decorating”

Ask the Sisters – “Spring Feast Decorating”

This article is in the March/April Issue 11 of Torah Sisters Magazine. Click here to subscribe. I asked the Torah Sisters on Facebook, “What is one way you decorate for the Spring Feasts that you think others might not have thought of? We do spring flowers, roasted...