Torah Sisters Magazine
For women who love Yeshua as their Savior and keep Torah.
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30 Day Sabbath Challenge
This step-by-step guide will show you how to keep the Sabbath the Bible’s way so you have time for God and family. It’s also the perfect book to buy for your friends to show them how easy and good it is to keep the Sabbath.

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Recent Blog Posts
Someone hurt you? Punch Satan in the gut.
By Amy Guenther If you're reading this, then you've been hurt by someone. How do I know? Because all of us have been hurt by someone at some time. This is for those of you going through it right now. The degree to how we've been hurt may vary, but we've all been the...
How I Celebrate a Gospel Centered Passover
I want to start off by being sure you see this link to download my Passover stuff: Click here to get the Passover checklists and Haggadah I use for my Seder I will describe below. I've had several women ask me how to do Passover, so I've decided to write down...
The Sabbath Kitchen Saver Kit
I'll admit it. I hate that my kitchen gets messy on Shabbat. Now, I'll keep Sabbath no matter what because I know it honors my King, but I'll admit, I don't feel much shalom while my kitchen is a disaster for 24 hours and a big pile of dirty dishes awaits me Saturday...
Bible Studies for Kids that are Easy for Mom: Grapevine Studies
I've seen several posts on social media lately from Torah keeping women who are looking for more resources for teaching the Bible to their kids, so I want to dedicate this post to tell you about a friend of mine who can help you! I've actually been wanting to tell you...
Niddah – Sending Your Wife Out of Town for a Week–NOT!
By Tyler Dawn Rosenquist First of all, I am not going to tell you how to observe this or any other law -- that's your business. My entire purpose is to address what is and is not written, because frankly there are a lot of misconceptions out there. A whole lot of...
Ten Plagues Passover Craft to Keep Kids Engaged
So... I will be having thirteen children at Passover at my home this year, and they range from baby to school age. Needless to say, I'm working hard to plan a seder that will keep them engaged and learning. After all, one of the commands of Passover is to teach our...
“Blood on the Doorpost” Passover Decoration
It seems us Hebrews have a hard time getting ideas for how to decorate our homes for the feasts, so I thought I'd share this easy decoration idea that my kids and I made last year. But it's not just easy and decorative, it's deeply meaningful, as well. As you can see...
Contentment When Your Husband Doesn’t Keep Torah
By Amy Guenther Update: Since I wrote this, I have made some videos on this topic that you can find on the playlist here, Dear Sisters, this blog post is for some of you living in a marriage with a...
How I Got my Facebook Shalom Back
By Amy Guenther I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. I love that it's instant "company." I can go to my Facebook app anytime and see what's happening in the world and engage with friends instantly. But I also hated it for a time. Facebook stole my shalom....
7 Ways Kids Can Give Tzedakah
By Talia Carbis of The Climbing Tree Hands up if as a child, your mother ever told you “You have to eat your dinner. There are children starving in Africa!”, and being the cheeky kid you were you replied, “Well here, they can have my leftovers!”. Of course, your...
7 Ways to Share Your Faith With Your Friends & Family
By Kayte Abaffy: Producer of The Way Documentary Two years ago, I was driving on the Pacific Coast Highway with my husband, sparkling blue ocean to our left and golden mountains to our right, coming home to Los Angeles from a transformative conference in San Diego....
Apple Stuffed Challah for Rosh Hashanah
This is a guest post by Talia Carbis. Visit her blog at Hands up if you’re already starting to think about the Fall Feasts? I am! They are my favourite holidays. The whole season is filled with such joy and my kids look forward to it so much....