What is one thing your family does for Shavuot?

What is one thing your family does for Shavuot?

This article is in Issue 18 of Torah Sisters Magazine.   I asked the Torah Sisters on Facebook, “What is one thing your family does for Shavuot?,” and these are some of their answers. We make a “Holy Spirit Cheesecake” with a fruit topping...
Shavuot Celebration Ideas

Shavuot Celebration Ideas

This article is in Issue 18 of Torah Sisters Magazine. By Amy Kay Guenther Here is a list of ways you can celebrate Shavuot. Make the celebration last a whole weekend, so there’s lots of time to enjoy and worship on this special Feast. Spiritual and Worship Lots of...
Sukkot Tips to Stay Shalomy and Focused

Sukkot Tips to Stay Shalomy and Focused

This article is in Issue 14 from September/October 2023. By Amy Kay Guenther The Fall Feasts are a joyous and worshipful season, but sometimes our shalom and focus can be lacking. I’m so guilty of this! With that in mind, I made this list of tips I will be using this...
Epic Sukkot Packing List

Epic Sukkot Packing List

  I have made an EPIC Sukkot packing list that you can download and print! Click here to get it. I want to give a big “thank you” to Alex Henderson (husband of Rachel Henderson, a Torah Sisters Magazine contributor) and Anne Elliott (of Homeschooling...
How I Celebrate a Gospel Centered Passover

How I Celebrate a Gospel Centered Passover

I want to start off by being sure you see this link to download my Passover stuff: Click here to get the Passover checklists and Haggadah I use for my Seder I will describe below.   I’ve had several women ask me how to do Passover, so I’ve decided to...
Ten Plagues Passover Craft to Keep Kids Engaged

Ten Plagues Passover Craft to Keep Kids Engaged

So… I will be having thirteen children at Passover at my home this year, and they range from baby to school age. Needless to say, I’m working hard to plan a seder that will keep them engaged and learning. After all, one of the commands of Passover is to...